Awareness, Education and Support.

By Regional Australian for Regional Australian People

  • MindVis - Emotional & Self Awareness Training

    Do you want more calm, present, and engaged employees?

    We deliver stress prevention, emotional literacy and injury prevention programs in workplaces. Our programs help organisations to take a Pre EAP approach and show support for the wellbeing of their people. Through prevention companies become transformational rather than just transactional and take greater care of their teams. Some of the benefits include -

    • Increased team performance

    • Increased leadership ability

    • Decreased occupational stress

    • Reduced staff turnover

    • Increased personal well-being

    • Improved decision making

    Contact The Outback Mind Foundation today to discuss how we can work with you to improve the long term health, wellbeing, and performance of your team.

  • Men's Circles

    In regional areas, men often experience loneliness and lack access to support systems that are common in more populated areas of our country. Isolation is a key factor in men experiencing mental health issues which commonly leads to anxiety, depression and dependance on drugs and alcohol.

    That is why we are so passionate about offering Men’s Circles in as many regional areas of Australia as we can.

    Our Men’s Circles offer a safe space for men to connect, share and find support. They are a proactive way to support men's well-being. If you would like to become an accredited Outback Mind Men's Circle facilitator please contact us. If you’d like to attend a Circle, visit our events page to see if there is a Forum near you.

  • Domestic Violence Education

    The Outback Mind Foundation delivers proactive domestic and family violence education and information sessions for men in both male-dominated workplaces and clubs.

    We know that through education, we can help reduce the risk of men participating in acts of Domestic and Family violence, and we can get ahead of the domestic violence problem regional Australian’s - in particular - are currently facing.

    Through our preventative approach, we are proactively tackling the root causes of the issue, not just dealing with the aftermath. These education sessions help men to understand and embrace their emotions and develop self-awareness, learn skills to help them self-regulate their emotions, and to get ahead of their problems before it escalates to violence.

Book an Emotional Literacy Education Session and Documentary Screening

Healing Men’s Minds - The documentary every man needs to see. 

Book an emotional literacy education session and documentary screening for your workplace. Contact us to arrange a date.

Outback to the Future

Outback Mind will be introducing a range of 'life experience' adventures designed to help you beat anxiety, challenge yourself, forge new friendships and also have a whole lot of fun along the way! Please complete & submit the form below if you would like more information.

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Help Us Reach Our Destination

The Outback Mind Foundation has big plans to support men’s mental health and well-being throughout regional Australia, but to bring those plans to life, we rely on the generous support of people like you, through donations and fundraising events.

If you’d like to make a one-off donation or set up a regular weekly or monthly donation, your support would be more appreciated than you can know!

Upcoming Events

Listen Up

The Outback Mind Podcast is our way of getting into the ears (and minds) of men all across Australia. We have hundreds of episodes available, which you can listen to via our Podbean, Spotify, or iTunes Channels, or you can listen to our latest episode here.